Monday, August 19, 2013

What I took away from the first day of class...

Today's class reminded me of an episode of a NatGeo Show, called Brain Games ( ), I saw a couple weeks ago. Basically it was about how your brain does way better with less choices. I didn't agree with the whole episode, but love the series. It's amazing how your mind/body is easily deceived by some of the most simple ideas.

The older I get, the more I reflect on the decisions of my past. Should I have dated that bitchy/controlling girl, through all of High School? Should I have went straight to college right out of high school, instead of putting it off for 10 years? Would I have been as successful in college had I done it that way? Why do I keep going back to McDonald's, even though I know it gives me diarrhea EVERY TIME!?!?! 

The only constant, is that we all make hundreds of decisions, on millions of choices, daily. Just like this class, most are right or wrong, only in the eye of the beholder.

I am excited to delve into this class, with both feet, and await the amazing ideas from my peers and myself!!!

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